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  Kate (blog)


Welcome to CheckItOff! This is the app for having multiple lists in one place to keep organized.

CheckItOff is a tool for managing items that you might put on a list – a shopping list, a todo list, a packing list, or anything like that. We don’t force you to use one particular kind of item, you just add items and fill in whatever fields you feel like filling in.

The All Items view is what you see when you run the application, and it shows all the items you’ve added.

In this screenshot the user has items from different categories (Groceries, Christmas List, Packing and so on) displayed all together. They have chosen to strikeout the items that have been marked complete so that they know what has been bought or done.

How do you add an item? Type in the text box at the bottom of the screen and click Quick Add. Now you have an item on your list.

If you want to delete an item because you might have added it to the wrong view or you won't need that item again, then you can click on the garbage can at the top right. This will permanently delete the item.

To edit an item, double click the item or highlight the line and hit the pencil button at the top right. Edit an item to see and edit other properties of it, like Category, Long Description, Due Date, or Priority. Use these properties in whatever way makes sense for you. Number might be how many to buy or pack, or maybe it's a price or anything else you feel like tracking. Location might be the name of a store for something you're going to buy, a place like "Dad's house" for something you're going to do, or a suitcase for a packing list that is going into more than one bag. You choose what the properties mean according to what works for you. To add a category, click the dropdown that shows all the existing categories, then click New... to bring up a small dialog where you can enter the new name.

There is a back button that takes you back to the previous page you were just on. If you have edited an item and want to go back, use Back. The home button will always take you back to the All Items view.

You can combine things to buy, do, take, with people to invite, call, or buy presents for. You can create your own views that filter to just one category, to just completed or not-completed items, by tags, and so on. You can also import and export plain text files.

To change views, click the dropdown at the Top Right that starts with All Items. You can make a new view right here by choosing New....

To edit a view, click the Edit View button (it looks like an eye) in the menu on the left.

Here you can choose which columns to show in the view - the checked ones (Complete, Short Description, Category and Long Description) will be shown in this example. You can also filter by any field - in this example, only items in the Christmas category will be shown in this view. You can also sort by any column. First choose ascending or descending, then the priority.

In some views, you might not want to see completed items at all - just filter to Not Completed items only. In others you might want only completed items, so you can see what you got done today, perhaps. If you're looking at a mixture of completed and not completed items, you have some choices about how to know which ones are done. First, you can choose to show the Completed column for this view. It will display completed items with a check and not completed ones with an empty square. Instead (or in addition) you can scroll down to the bottom of the Edit View page and set the dropdown next to Completed Items to Strikethrough. This will display completed items with a line through them as you see at the top of this help page. And if you like, you can also sort by Completed to keep all the completed items together.

In this example, the items will be sorted first by priority, and for items with the same priority they will be sorted within that by location.

Views can also have a background image, which will be used on the view and when you're editing it too. Choose something inspirational or just an easy way to tell your lists apart. On the edit view page, click Add Background and browse to an image that is on your device. It will be stored in the database, so you don't need to keep the original image around for CheckItOff to use.

Also on the side menu are Import and Export.

To import, first make a list in an ordinary text editor, one item per line. If you Import on a view that is filtered to a category (such as Packing List) the items will be created with that category. If you Import on a view that is not filtered, the items will be created without a category. When you Export, all the items in that view (according to its filters) will be written to a text file you specify. The file will contain the short description of each item, one per line.