Classified Ads - The Rules 

Yes, you really can have a free classified ad here at The Canoe Camper. You don't have to be a member, or to have bought an ad elsewhere on the site, or meet any other money-oriented conditions. Here are the conditions we do impose:

If you can't use the online form, email the ad to Please start your mail with something like "here is an ad I would like to submit." Because so many web browsers send mail with bad addresses in the "From" field, please tell us your address in the body of the message, just in case. We'll write back and tell you when the ad is up. If you don't have email, (or if your friend who wants to send in an ad doesn't have email) put it on a diskette and send it, with a note telling us what file name you used and the format (Mac? PC? ASCII? Word?) to reduce our detective work in using it. Our mailing address is on our contact page.

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