Canoe Associations

This page will list canoe associations by country and region, with their contact information. We will also include associations that are not for a specific location, like the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association. If you know of a canoe association please write or email us with the following information:

Native trails:  Tracing major historic travel routes anywhere; routes determined by landscape and natural forces.

Circolo Sportivo Alfa, Lago di Martignano - Valle del Baccano
Cassia Veientana Km 28.8 - Rome - Italy, phone number 06 99802004, Andrea Ferrazza, email  We rent canoe, kayak and Polynesian canoe (outrigger) . Also organized outrigger race around Italy together association "Italian outrigger tour" . We stay in a little wonderful lake Near our center (50 meter) there is an agriturism restaurant.  

Laughing Loon Custom Canoes & Kayaks
Wood strip canoes and sea kayaks. Designs reflect Eskimo origins. Finished boats or building plans. Building tips and kayaks built by home builders.  

Newfound Woodworks -
Our goal is to provide materials and information to anyone who wants to build a cedar strip/epoxy canoe using only some basic hand tools. We will supply a complete canoe kit or any parts that a customer may require and can assist with advice and instruction when necessary.

Outdoors, paddling magazines 

Wooden Canoe Heritiage Association -
dedicated to studying, building, restoring and using wood canvas, cedar strip and birch bark canoes.  

The Adventure Guide

Canoe Pak 

Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association
Founded in 1971 as a result of a paddler who was unable to obtain information on a canoe trip being planned to La Ronge in northern Saskatchewan, the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association has become known across Canada for the services provided to canoeists, kayakers, and sea kayakers alike

American Whitewater Affiliation
The mission of the American Whitewater Affiliation is to conserve and restore America's whitewater resources and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.

Northern California Outrigger Canoe Clubs
The Northern California Outrigger Canoe Association is a member of International Polynesian Canoe Federation (IPCF) Pacific Outrigger Canoe Association Pacific Islanders' Cultural Association


Canada's Virtual North

Canoe Club Homepage