Go Bananas! Banana Dessert


You'll need one banana per person, or two if they love dessert! This recipe was intended to be done over the campfire coals, but could easily be adapted to a Dutch oven.

1 banana per person
chocolate chips
chopped nuts

Peel back one strip of the banana peel on the 'upper' curve, and use a knife or spoon to chop up and mash the banana inside the peel. Then, insert chocolate chips, marshmallows, chopped nuts (or any goodies you like), and fold the strip back over the banana. Wrap in aluminum foil, and set upright (so the 'stuff' doesn't leak out), in the NOT TOO HOT coals. Give it about 7 to 9 minutes, unwrap carefully and enjoy! No plates needed, just eat it right out of your banana bowl!

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