# Friday, 04 October 2024
One of the first web sites I remembered the URL of when I wanted to use it was imdb.com. "Internet Movie Data Base" and that's what it was. You could look up shows to see who was in them. It's a simple need and one that doesn't go away. "Where do I know that actor from?" Look up the show you're watching, find the character, from there the name of the actor, from there everything else they've been in ... and ah, that itch goes away and you can keep watching the show.

When I think about other web sites I started using around the same time, they're all gone, or if not gone exactly, I've replaced them with something else. Who searches on AltaVista any more? The Environment Canada weather site, once a marvelous relic of old HTML design but a great way to see forecasts and radar, has been updated to uselessness. But imdb is still there and still usable for the same thing it was always designed for.

So it was with a mild thrill that I discovered (thanks to a Google News Alert on my own name) that I am now listed there. Apparently they've loaded up a pile of podcasts. .NET Rocks, ADSP, and others that have nothing to do with me but had one guest named Kate and one named Gregory. Still quite a few podcasts I've been on that aren't indexed there, but it's a start!


Friday, 04 October 2024 13:32:19 (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #