I brought home a paper copy of MSDN magazine from Tech Ed and found this as one of the cover stories: An Inside Look At The Next Generation Of Visual C++. It's by Tarek Madkour and definitely worth a read. Were you wondering if MFC's wrapper for the new file dialog would be tweaked so you get the all-singing all-dancing new Vista common file dialog? Yes it will. Will there be a class to represent a Command Link? Yes. And a split buttton? Yes. Pretty much all the new controls and dialogs are in the new MFC. There's also resource editor support for PNG, for 32 bit images, and for large icons.

As I mentioned in my blog post about Sarita's Channel 9 Video, UAC support is also a lot easier. Then there's the marshaling library and STL/CLR. Toss in faster builds, and make developers everywhere happy. Roll on, release day.